Door lengths suitable for adjustable Danalock cylinder
The variable cylinder can be adjusted by extending the front (outside of the door) to the lengths of:
- 35 × 32 – cylinder without extension
- 35 × 37 – cylinder with extension 5 mm
- 35 × 42 – cylinder with extension 10 mm
- 35 × 47 – cylinder with extensions 10 mm + 5 mm
Sketch for cylinder measurement
The cylinder has a range in length between the minimum length of 67 mm and maximum 82 mm.
What’s in the box?
- The front part of the cylinder;
- The last part of the cylinder with extended rod for Danalock;
- Intermediate part of cylinder with red guard, which is not removed until cylinder is adjusted to desired length;
- Base shaft;
- Cylinder extensions:
- 2 × 5mm extension and gold round part,
- 1 × 10mm extension and gold round part,
- Extended shaft;
- Round rosette for mounting on the back side of the cylinder,
- Small material:
- 1 × thicker screw (for the rosette),
- 2 × shorter screw (for the rosette),
- 1 × longer screw (for the shaft),
- 2 × shorter screw (for the shaft);
- Long screw for cylinder;
- 3 × key;
- A security card that can be used to create an additional key.
Installation 35 × 32
Cylinder without extensions.
- Pull out the red guard.
2. Install the black rosette to the rear of the cylinder. This rosette is later installed with a Danalock smart lock.
3. Insert the cylinder into the door and tighten the longer screw through the lock rosette.
Installation 35 × 37
Attention! Do not remove the red guard from the variable section until the cylinder is fixed to a fixed length.
For installation 35 × 37 you will need:
- extended shaft,
- extension 5 mm.
- Slide the shaft into the front of the cylinder.
2. Use a screw to tighten the extended shaft.
3. Insert the 5 mm extension and center it with the front. Make sure there is also a small gold part inside.
4. Insert the intermediate part of the cylinder with the red guard (do not remove the guards!) And center it accordingly with the front part.
5. Insert the back of the cylinder with the extension cord for Danalock smart lock and center it with the front.
6. Screw the base shaft into the back of the cylinder with two smaller screws.
7. Pull out the red guard.
8. Install the black rosette to the rear of the cylinder. This rosette is later installed with a Danalock smart lock.
9. Insert the cylinder into the door and tighten the longer screw through the lock rosette.
Installation 35 × 42
Attention! Do not remove the red guard from the variable section until the cylinder is fixed to a fixed length.
For installation 35 × 42 you will need:
- extended shaft,
- extension 5 mm.
- Slide the shaft into the front of the cylinder.
2. Use a screw to tighten the extended shaft.
3. Nataknite 10 mm podaljšek in ga ustrezno nacentrirajte s sprednjim delom. Pazite, da je znotraj tudi majhen zlat valj (daljši podaljšek že vsebuje zlati valj, vendar lahko pade ven).
4. Insert the intermediate part of the cylinder with the red guard (do not remove the guards!) And center it accordingly with the front part.
5. Insert the back of the cylinder with the extension cord for Danalock smart lock and center it with the front.
6. Screw the base shaft into the back of the cylinder with two smaller screws.
7. Pull out the red guard.
8. Install the black rosette to the rear of the cylinder. This rosette is later installed with a Danalock smart lock.
9. Insert the cylinder into the door and tighten the longer screw through the lock rosette.
Installation 35 × 47
Attention! Do not remove the red guard from the variable section until the cylinder is fixed to a fixed length.
For installation 35 × 47 you will need:
- extended shaft,
- extension 5 mm.
- Slide the shaft into the front of the cylinder.
2. Use a screw to tighten the extended shaft.
3. First, insert a longer 10mm extension cord and center it with the front. Make sure there is also a small gold part inside (a longer extension already contains a gold cylinder but may fall out).
Insert the 5mm extension and center it with the front. Make sure there is also a small gold part inside.
4. Insert the intermediate part of the cylinder with the red guard (do not remove the guards!) And center it accordingly with the front part.
5. Insert the back of the cylinder with the extension cord for Danalock smart lock and center it with the front.
6. Screw the base shaft into the back of the cylinder with two smaller screws.
7. Pull out the red guard.
8. Install the black rosette to the rear of the cylinder. This rosette is later installed with a Danalock smart lock.
9. Insert the cylinder into the door and tighten the longer screw through the lock rosette.
Save the card carefully!
Carefully store the code card. Only with its help you will be able to produce additional keys for this cylinder.
Check if you need to exchange the Cylinder or use the Danalock Key Turner Adapter: Manual for Danalock Cylinder