The Danalock App is used as main control for all Danalock products. Go to App Store or Google Play to download the app.

Danabridge V3 – Basic App
1. About Danabridge V3
The Danabridge V3 is a part of Danalock product family. It enables you to lock, unlock and monitor access to your home or apartment from anywhere via your smartphone.
It serves as a smart home bridge between your Danalock Smart Lock and your local router. It connects to your router via Wi-Fi and to your Danalock V3 over Bluetooth. This allows you to unlock your door without being in a close radius of the property.
Simply unlock your door from any location with your existing Danalock Mobile App.
2. Connecting Danabridge V3
The Danabridge V3 WiFi module must be plugged into an electrical outlet or with the supplied USB cable near the Danalock V3 Smart Lock. They communicate over a Bluetooth connection.
It is also necessary to ensure that WiFi connection to Danabridg V3 is good enough and stable.
3. Installing Danabridge V3 in The Application
Start the Danalock application and add your Danabridge V3 in it by clicking “MENU> ADD NEW DEVICE” and selecting it. Once you successfully add Danabridge V3, you can access its settings by clicking “MENU> MY ACCESSORY DEVICES”.
4. Installing a WiFi Network on The Danabridge V3
Firstly, find a successfully installed Danabridge V3 by going to “MENU> MY ACCESSORY DEVICES” and selecting your Danabridge V3. Next, to setup the WiFi network please click on the “Wifi” green button under “Settings” and then select the correct WiFi from the list that appears under “Available Wifi Access points”. Enter the correct password and Danabridge V3 will automatically connect.
5. Merging The Danabridge V3 with Danalock V3
From the “MENU> MY ACCESSORY DEVICES” select your Danabridge V3 and press the “Bridge Connections” button. All available devices will be displayed among “Available devices”. To merge devices, press the blue “+” sign after the device name. The device (Danalock V3) will automatically move upwards under the “One paired device” area. After successful merging, the red “-” symbol appears on the right behind the paired device, which means that you can remove it at any time. Press “OK”.
6. Delete Danabridge V3
To delete the Danabridge V3 from “MENU> MY ACCESSORY DEVICES” select a Danabridge V3 which you want to delete and press the “Delete Device” button.
7. Firmware Update for Danabridge V3
Before updating the firmware make sure that the phone is at a sufficient power level. Start updating the firmware of your Danabridge V3 by pressing „FIRMWARE UPGRADE“. The App checks installed firmware and updates it if there is a newer one available. It is important that you keep your phone near the Danabridge V3 during the firmware update process.