Basic principles:
– Mesh networks relay messages using flooding or routing techniques.
– Routed messages hop from node to node until reaching their destination.
– Self-healing algorithms like Shortest Path Bridging and TRILL ensure continuous connections.
– Fully connected networks are more secure and reliable.
– Multiple paths from source to destination enhance network reliability.
Types – Wired mesh:
– Shortest Path Bridging and TRILL enable Ethernet switches to connect in a mesh topology.
– IP routing supports multiple paths from source to destination.
Types – Wireless mesh:
– Wireless mesh networks consist of radio nodes in a mesh topology.
– Wireless mesh networks can be a form of wireless ad hoc network.
See also:
– Category of mesh networking technologies.
– Bluetooth mesh networking.
– MENTOR routing algorithm.
– Optical mesh network.
– Fault tolerance based routing approach for WMN.
– Wireless Mesh Networking: An IoT-Oriented Perspective Survey on Relevant Technologies.
– Introduction to Mesh.
– Avaya Extends the Automated Campus to End the Network Waiting Game.
– Shortest Path Bridging IEEE 802.1aq Overview.
A mesh network is a local area network topology in which the infrastructure nodes (i.e. bridges, switches, and other infrastructure devices) connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one another to efficiently route data to and from clients.
This lack of dependency on one node allows for every node to participate in the relay of information. Mesh networks dynamically self-organize and self-configure, which can reduce installation overhead. The ability to self-configure enables dynamic distribution of workloads, particularly in the event a few nodes should fail. This in turn contributes to fault-tolerance and reduced maintenance costs.
Mesh topology may be contrasted with conventional star/tree local network topologies in which the bridges/switches are directly linked to only a small subset of other bridges/switches, and the links between these infrastructure neighbours are hierarchical. While star-and-tree topologies are very well established, highly standardized and vendor-neutral, vendors of mesh network devices have not yet all agreed on common standards, and interoperability between devices from different vendors is not yet assured.