ISSN Code Format and Integration:
– An ISSN is an eight-digit code divided into two four-digit numbers with a hyphen.
– The last digit serves as a check digit, ensuring uniqueness.
– The structure is NNNN-NNNC, with a specific algorithm for check digit calculation.
– EAN-13 barcodes can encode ISSNs with a 977 country code.
– EAN-13 includes 7 main digits of the ISSN, followed by 2 publisher-defined digits.
– An EAN check digit may differ from the ISSN check digit, facilitating ISSN integration into barcode systems.
ISSN Code Assignment and Maintenance:
– ISSN codes are assigned by ISSN National Centres overseen by the ISSN International Centre.
– The International Centre, founded in 1974, is an intergovernmental organization based in Paris.
– The ISSN system is maintained through a network of National Centres.
– It aids in cataloging and interlibrary loans, supporting global information dissemination.
ISSN-L and Register:
– ISSN-L is a unique identifier for all versions of a serial across different media.
– It is based on the ISSN of the first published medium version, facilitating search and retrieval.
– The ISSN Register, managed by the International Centre, contains records for assigned ISSNs.
– As of 2016, the ISSN Register documented 1,943,572 items, accessible via subscription or platforms like WorldCat.
ISSN in URNs and Problems:
– ISSN can be encoded as a URN by prefixing it with ‘urn:ISSN:’ in all caps.
– URN simplifies search, recovery, and data delivery despite non-uniqueness.
– Challenges include non-uniqueness for journals, leading to the creation of NLM Unique ID (JID) and ISSN-L for unique URNs.
– Lack of resolution mechanisms like DOI for ISSN has prompted alternative solutions.
Media Category Labels, ROAD, and Related Information:
– Two standard categories exist for serials: print (p-ISSN) and electronic (e-ISSN).
– ROAD is a Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources produced by the ISSN International Centre and UNESCO.
– Additional resources include CODEN and WorldCat, which serves as an ISSN-resolve service.
– References include materials from the ISSN International Centre and the British Library on ISSN standards and metadata.
An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication (periodical), such as a magazine. The ISSN is especially helpful in distinguishing between serials with the same title. ISSNs are used in ordering, cataloging, interlibrary loans, and other practices in connection with serial literature.
Acronym | ISSN |
Organisation | ISSN International Centre |
Introduced | 1976 |
No. issued | > 2,500,000 |
No. of digits | 8 |
Check digit | Weighted sum |
Example | 2049-3630 |
Website | www |
The ISSN system was first drafted as an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) international standard in 1971 and published as ISO 3297 in 1975. ISO subcommittee TC 46/SC 9 is responsible for maintaining the standard.
When a serial with the same content is published in more than one media type, a different ISSN is assigned to each media type. For example, many serials are published both in print and electronic media. The ISSN system refers to these types as print ISSN (p-ISSN) and electronic ISSN (e-ISSN). Consequently, as defined in ISO 3297:2007, every serial in the ISSN system is also assigned a linking ISSN (ISSN-L), typically the same as the ISSN assigned to the serial in its first published medium, which links together all ISSNs assigned to the serial in every medium.